Example of using Contentful as a data source for a Gatsby site

Playsam Streamliner Classic Car, Espresso

Playsam Streamliner Classic Car, Espresso

Made by Playsam

Price: $44

A classic Playsam design, the Streamliner Classic Car has been selected as Swedish Design Classic by the Swedish National Museum for its inventive style and sleek surface. It's no wonder that this wooden car has also been a long-standing favorite for children both big and small!

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The src for this website is at https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/tree/master/examples/using-contentful

The Contentful site that is providing the data for this site is at https://discovery.contentful.com/entries/by-content-type/2PqfXUJwE8qSYKuM0U6w8M?delivery_access_token=e481b0f7c5572374474b29f81a91e8ac487bb27d70a6f14dd12142837d8e980a&space_id=ubriaw6jfhm1